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Ants have one of the greatest evolutionary success stories in history - they represent more than 10% of the entire biomass on land! They have been around for more than 100 million years and they have outlived reptiles and mammals, alike. Having gone through very subtle changes over such a long period of time and always working together for their common good, ants are a really impressive biological achievement.

Their numbers, resilience, and industriousness are what makes them such a formidable pest, too. Our very own species of Australian ants can be even more impressive. 

  • Some species like the jack jumper ants are particularly venomous. So venomous, in fact, that they are the prevalent cause for allergic reactions due to ant stings in Australia. They are responsible for about 90% of the cases of allergic reactions.


  • The likes of carpenter ants can deal just as much damage as termites to your wooden foundations. Your home might be the perfect place for their new colony.


  • They can damage wiring and electronics. If they find their way into your computer, they may cause serious damage.

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